Westminster Abbey (Cheyneygates), Reception to celebrate the legal status of the CofE in Italy
London, 6th October 2014

Following Evensong in Westminster Abbey, a private reception took place in Cheyneygates at Westminster Abbey. Amongst the honoured guests were the Rt Rev Robert Innes (Bishop in Europe), Mr Pasquale Terracciano (Italian Ambassador to the UK), the Very Rev Dr John Hall (Dean of Westminster), the Rt Rev Trevor Willmott (Bishop of Dover), Prefect Giovanna Iurato (Italian Internal Ministry), and Sir Tony Baldry (MP and Chariman of the British-Italian Parliamentary Group).
Picture, from left to right: the Venerable Jonathan Boardman (Archdeacon for Italy and Malta), Mr Paolo C Coniglio (General Secretary of the association Chiesa d'Inghilterra), Mr Pasquale Terracciano (Italian Ambassador to the UK), and the Rt Rev Robert Innes (Bishop in Europe).