Intesa ("Treaty") with the Republic of Italy
Palazzo Chigi, Rome, 26th March 2019
We are delighted to announce that on the 26th of March 2019 at Palazzo Chigi the Treaty (Intesa) between the Republic of Italy and the Associazione Chiesa d’Inghilterra “ACDI” (which represents the Church of England in Italy) was "pre-signed". The Revd Vickie Sims, as President of the Associazione Chiesa d’Inghilterra, "pre-signed" on behalf of the Church of England in Italy with the Undersecretary of State On. Giancarlo Giorgetti, representing the Italian Government and the Prime Minister On. Giuseppe Conte. This is an immensely important milestone towards the full legal recognition of the chaplaincies and congregations in Italy. Full signature of the Intesa will take place after the Italian Government approves the document, and the Intesa signed by the Italian Prime Minister On. Giuseppe Conte.
The Treaty was signed at a ceremony in Palazzo Chigi (Rome) in the presence of
- H.E. Jill Morris CMG, British Ambassador to the Republic of Italy and the Republic of San Marino and Board Member of ACDI;
- The Rt Revd Dr Robert Innes, Bishop of the Diocese in Europe, Church of England;
- The Very Revd Dr John Shepherd, Interim Director of the Anglican Centre in Rome and Representative of the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Holy See and Board Member of ACDI;
- Dott. Paolo Coniglio, Secretary General and Board Member of ACDI;
- Cav. Uff. Giampaolo Grazian, Vice-President and Board Member of ACDI;
- Dott.ssa Wendy Wyver, Political Counsellor at the British Embassy in Rome;
- Dott. Gerardo Kaiser, Senior Political Analyst at the British Embassy in Rome;
- The Revd Canon Jonathan Boardman, founder member of ACDI;
- Mrs Sandra Seagram Annovazzi, founder Member of ACDI, and;
- Prof. Salvatore Bordonali, Professor of Ecclesiastical Law from the University of Palermo Italy.