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Bill for the Intesa ("Treaty")

Bill for the Intesa ("Treaty")

Palazzo Chigi, Rome, 23rd December 2020


Il Consiglio dei Ministri si è riunito mercoledì 23 dicembre 2020 a Palazzo Chigi, e su proposta del Presidente Giuseppe Conte, ha approvato il disegno di legge che introduce norme per la regolazione dei rapporti tra lo Stato e l’Associazione “Chiesa d’Inghilterra”, in attuazione dell’articolo 8, terzo comma, della Costituzione, sulla base dell’intesa stipulata il 30 luglio 2019 dal Presidente Conte e il Presidente dell’Associazione “Chiesa d’Inghilterra”. Comunicato stampa del Consiglio dei Minsitri n.86 del 2020.

L’Associazione “Chiesa d’Inghilterra” nasce per riunire tutte le chiese e tutti coloro che in Italia professano la Comunione Anglicana di fede cristiana e apostolica con particolare riferimento a chi appartiene alla Church of England.


The Cabinet of the Italian Goverment met on Wednesday 23rd December 2020 at Palazzo Chigi, and on the proposal of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, approved the bill which introduce the regulation of the relations between the Republic of Italy and the association "Chiesa d'Inghilterra", in accordance to article 8, third paragraph, of the Italian Constitution, based on the treaty signed on the 30th July 2019 by Prime MInster Giuseppe Conte and the President of the association "Chiesa d'Inghilterra". Press release of the Council of Ministers n.86 of 2020.

The association "Chiesa d'Inghilterra" is a legal entity which brings together all the churches and all those in Italy who profess the Anglican Communion of Christian and Apostolic faith with particular reference to those who belong to the Church of England.

Protocol for the re-opening of Anglican churches in Italy following the lockdown due to the Covid19 pandemic

Protocol for the re-opening of Anglican churches in Italy following the lockdown due to the Covid19 pandemic

Palazzo Chigi, Rome, 15th May 2020


Il Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri, Prof. Avv. Giuseppe Conte, il Direttore del Centro Anglicano in Roma e Consigliere dell’Associazione Chiesa d’Inghilterra, l'Arcivescovo Ian Ernest, ed il Ministro dell'Interno, Cons. Prefetto Luciana Lamborgese hanno firmato oggi a Palazzo Chigi il Protocollo per il via libera dal 18 maggio 2020 alle funzioni religiose anglicane alla presenza dei fedeli nel rispetto delle misure di sicurezza sanitarie previste per l'emergenza Covid19. Tra queste, distanziamento sociale, obbligo di usare mascherine e dispositivi di protezione, e santificazione dei luoghi di preghiera (link per scaricare il protocollo).

Il protocollo nasce dal confronto e dal dialogo voluto dalla titolare del Viminale, Prefetto Giovanna Iurato, ed avviato e condotto dal capo del Dipartimento per le Libertà Civili e l'Immigrazione, Prefetto Michele di Bari, con la videoconferenza del 7 maggio scorso al Viminale.

Alla cerimonia della firma ha partecipato anche la Dott.ssa Wendy Wyver, Primo Consigliere Politico dell'Ambasciata del Regno Unito in Italia.


Italy’s Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, the Director of the Anglican Centre in Rome and Board Member of the Associazione Chiesa d’Inghilterra, Archbishop Ian Ernest, and the Internal Minister, Prefect Luciana Lamborgese, signed today at Palazzo Chigi the Protocol for the re-opening of Anglican churches in Italy in respect of the security health measures to adopt following the Covid19 emergency. The precautions include social distancing, compulsory use of masks and other forms of protection, and disinfection of premises (link to download the protocol).


The protocol followed a request and consultation initiated by Prefect Giovanna Iurato, Central Department for Religious Affairs at Italy’s Internal Ministry, and the head of the department for Civil Freedom and Immigration at Italy’s Internal Ministry, Prefect Michele di Bari.


Many thanks also go to Mrs. Wendy Wyver, Political Counsellor at the British Embassy in Rome, for participating at the signing of the protocol.

The Italian Prime Minister signs the Intesa ("Treaty") with the Church of England.
Il Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri firma l'Intesa con  l'associazione "Chiesa d'Inghilterra"

The Italian Prime Minister signs the Intesa ("Treaty") with the Church of England.
Il Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri firma l'Intesa con l'associazione "Chiesa d'Inghilterra"

Palazzo Chigi, Rome, 30th July 2019


Il Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri, Prof. Avv. Giuseppe Conte, e la Reverenda Vickie Lela Sims hanno firmato oggi a Palazzo Chigi l’Intesa tra la Repubblica Italiana e l’Associazione “Chiesa d’Inghilterra” che in Italia rappresenta la confessione anglicana della “Church of England”. Il documento è stato firmato ai sensi dell’Art. 8 della Costituzione Italiana.


Alla cerimonia hanno partecipato S.E. Jill Morris, Ambasciatore britannico presso la Repubblica Italiana e Membro del Consiglio Direttivo dell’Associazione Chiesa d’Inghilterra, S.E. Sally Axworthy, Ambasciatore britannico presso la Santa Sede e Membro del Consiglio Direttivo dell’Associazione Chiesa d’Inghilterra, il Cons. Pietro Benassi, Ufficio del Consigliere Diplomatico alla Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, il Dott. Paolo C. Coniglio, Segretario Generale e Membro del Consiglio Direttivo dell’Associazione Chiesa d’Inghilterra, il Prof. Francesco Pizzetti, già Presidente della Commissione Interministeriale per le intese con le confessioni religiose, il Cons. Anna Nardini, Ufficio Studi e Rapporti Istituzionali della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, il Prefetto Giovanna Iurato, Direzione Centrale degli Affari dei Culti del Dipartimento per le Libertà Civili e l’Immigrazione del Ministero dell’Interno, e il Dott. Gerardo Kaiser, Consigliere Politico dell’Ambasciata britannica.

Per l’attenzione ed il contributo ricevuto si ringraziano sentitamente l’Ambasciata britannica in Roma, nella persona di S.E. Jill Morris, l’Ufficio Studi e Rapporti Istituzionali della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, nella persona del Cons. Anna Nardini, ed il Ministero dell’Interno, nelle persone del Prefetto Michele di Bari ed il Prefetto Giovanna Iurato, che dopo aver effettuato l’istruttoria di rito, ai sensi della legge 24 giugno 1929, n. 1159 e del regio decreto 28 febbraio 1930, n. 289, aveva proceduto a predisporre il Decreto del Presidente di riconoscimento della personalità giuridica, poi sottoscritto dal Capo dello Stato il 17 luglio 2014.


Italy’s Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, and Revd. Vickie Lela Sims signed in full at Palazzo Chigi the Treaty (“Intesa”) between the Italian Republic and the Association “Chiesa d’Inghilterra” which represents in Italy the Church of England. The document was signed according to article 8 of the Italian Constitution.


The ceremony was attended by senior representatives of the Church of England, the British Government and the Italian Government:

- H.E. Jill Morris CMG, British Ambassador to the Republic of Italy and the Republic of San Marino and Board Member of ACDI;

- H.E. Sally Axworthy MBE, British Ambassador to the Holy See and Board Member of ACDI;

- Cons. Pietro Benassi, Diplomatic Advisor to the Italy’s Prime Minister;

- Dr. Paolo C. Coniglio, Secretary General and Board Member of ACDI;

- Prof. Francesco Pizzetti, former Chairman of the Interministerial Commission for treaties with the religious confessions;

- Cons. Anna Nardini, Research Office and Institutional Affairs to Italy’s Prime Minister;

- Prefect Giovanna Iurato, Department for Civil Freedom and Immigration at Italy’s Internal Ministry;

- Dr. Gerardo Kaiser, Senior Political Analyst at the British Embassy in Rome.


Many thanks, for the attention and the contributions, go to the British Embassy in Rome, the Office for Research and Institutional Affairs to Italy’s Prime Minister, and Italy’s Internal Ministry, in the person of Prefect Michele Di Bari.

Intesa ("Treaty") with the Republic of Italy

Intesa ("Treaty") with the Republic of Italy

Palazzo Chigi, Rome, 26th March 2019

We are delighted to announce that on the 26th of March 2019 at Palazzo Chigi the Treaty (Intesa) between the Republic of Italy and the Associazione Chiesa d’Inghilterra “ACDI” (which represents the Church of England in Italy) was "pre-signed". The Revd Vickie Sims, as President of the Associazione Chiesa d’Inghilterra, "pre-signed" on behalf of the Church of England in Italy with the Undersecretary of State On. Giancarlo Giorgetti, representing the Italian Government and the Prime Minister On. Giuseppe Conte. This is an immensely important milestone towards the full legal recognition of the chaplaincies and congregations in Italy. Full signature of the Intesa will take place after the Italian Government approves the document, and the Intesa signed by the Italian Prime Minister On. Giuseppe Conte.


The Treaty was signed at a ceremony in Palazzo Chigi (Rome) in the presence of

- H.E. Jill Morris CMG, British Ambassador to the Republic of Italy and the Republic of San Marino and Board Member of ACDI;

- The Rt Revd Dr Robert Innes, Bishop of the Diocese in Europe, Church of England;

- The Very Revd Dr John Shepherd, Interim Director of the Anglican Centre in Rome and Representative of the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Holy See and Board Member of ACDI;

- Dott. Paolo Coniglio, Secretary General and Board Member of ACDI;

- Cav. Uff. Giampaolo Grazian, Vice-President and Board Member of ACDI;

- Dott.ssa Wendy Wyver, Political Counsellor at the British Embassy in Rome;

- Dott. Gerardo Kaiser, Senior Political Analyst at the British Embassy in Rome;

- The Revd Canon Jonathan Boardman, founder member of ACDI;

- Mrs Sandra Seagram Annovazzi, founder Member of ACDI, and;

- Prof. Salvatore Bordonali, Professor of Ecclesiastical Law from the University of Palermo Italy.

H.M. Queen Elizabeth II receives the visit of Sergio Mattarella, President of the Italian Republic

H.M. Queen Elizabeth II receives the visit of Sergio Mattarella, President of the Italian Republic

Buckingham Palace, London, 28th May 2015

The meeting at Buckingham Palace with H.M. Queen Elizabeth II was the first visit of the President Sergio Mattarella in London (watch video - RAI NEWS). President Mattarella arrived in Buckingham Palace's courtyard while the Italian anthem was performed. After the 45 minute private meeting H.M. Queen Elizabeth II and President Mattarella visited the "Italian collection" in the Queen's Gallery at Buckinham Palace.

President Mattarella then met H.M. British Minister of Foreign Affairs, Philip Hammond, and the staff of the Italian Embassy to the UK. In the afternoon, President Mattarella was welcomed by the Director of the London School of Economics, Craig Calhoun, where he held a lecture  entitled "The case for Europe. The Italian vision".


Celebrations for the legal recognition of the association Chiesa d'Inghilterra by the Republic of Italy

Celebrations for the legal recognition of the association Chiesa d'Inghilterra by the Republic of Italy

British Embassy Rome, Villa Wolkonsky, 13th October 2014

H.M. Ambassador to the Italian Republic, Christopher Prentice, kindly hosted a reception at Villa Wolkonsky in Rome to celebrate the achievement of the legal status of the Church of England in Italy. More pictures may be found at the British Embassy Rome's Flickr page.

Lambeth Palace, Private meeting with the Archbishop of Canterbury

Lambeth Palace, Private meeting with the Archbishop of Canterbury

London, 7th October 2014

The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev Justin Welby, received at Lambeth Palace in a private meeting the Venerable Jonathan Boardman (Archdeacon for Italy and Malta), Mr Paolo C Coniglio (General Secretary to the association Chiesa d'Inghilterra), Prefect Giovanna Iurato (from the Italian Internal Ministry), Professor Salvatore Bordonali (Ecclesiastical Law, University of Palermo), and Avv. Fabiano Di Prima (Researcher, University of Palermo). He thanked everyone for their precious pro-bono work and for the historic achievment of the legal recognition of the Church of England in Italy.

Picture, from left to right: the Venerable Jonathan Boardman, Mr Paolo C Coniglio, Prefect Giovanna Iurato, The Most Reverend Justin Welby,  Prof. Salvatore Bordonali, and Avv. Fabiano Di Prima.


Westminster Abbey (Cheyneygates), Reception to celebrate the legal status of the CofE in Italy

Westminster Abbey (Cheyneygates), Reception to celebrate the legal status of the CofE in Italy

London, 6th October 2014

Following Evensong in Westminster Abbey, a private reception took place in Cheyneygates at Westminster Abbey. Amongst the honoured guests were the Rt Rev Robert Innes (Bishop in Europe), Mr Pasquale Terracciano (Italian Ambassador to the UK), the Very Rev Dr John Hall (Dean of Westminster), the Rt Rev Trevor Willmott (Bishop of Dover), Prefect Giovanna Iurato (Italian Internal Ministry), and Sir Tony Baldry (MP and Chariman of the British-Italian Parliamentary Group).

Picture, from left to right: the Venerable Jonathan Boardman (Archdeacon for Italy and Malta), Mr Paolo C Coniglio (General Secretary of the association Chiesa d'Inghilterra), Mr Pasquale Terracciano (Italian Ambassador to the UK), and the Rt Rev Robert Innes (Bishop in Europe).

Westminster Abbey (Quire), Evensong to celebrate the legal recognition of the CofE in Italy

Westminster Abbey (Quire), Evensong to celebrate the legal recognition of the CofE in Italy

London, 6th October 2014

Celebrations were held in London at Westminster Abbey for the legal recognition of the Church of England in Italy. Guests were seated in the Quire and attended a wonderful and emotional Evensong.

The Diocese in Europe published on their website information on the historical legal recognition

The Diocese in Europe published on their website information on the historical legal recognition

London, 28th July 2014

The Diocese in Europe published on their website news on the historical achievement regarding the legal status obtained in Italy by the Church of England, and information on the association’s new website

The Archbishop of Canterbury and the newly-consecrated Bishop of Gibraltar

The Archbishop of Canterbury and the newly-consecrated Bishop of Gibraltar

Canterbury, 20th July 2014

The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and the newly consecrated Bishop of Gibraltar (Diocese in Europe) Robert Innes, after the consecration ceremony and posing for a photograph in front Canterbury’s Cathedral’s entrance.

The newly-consecrated Bishop of Gibraltar after the ceremony

The newly-consecrated Bishop of Gibraltar after the ceremony

Canterbury, 20th July 2014

The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of Gibraltar (Diocese in Europe), the Archdeacon of Italy and Malta (The Venerable Jonathan Boardman, also Chairman of the association Chiesa d’Inghilterra), other members of the clergy and laity from all over Europe pose for a photograph in Canterbury Cathedral’s gardens.

Consecration of the new Bishop of the Diocese in Europe (formerly the Diocese of Gibraltar)

Consecration of the new Bishop of the Diocese in Europe (formerly the Diocese of Gibraltar)

Canterbury, 20th July 2014

The Rt Rev Robert Innes is consecrated Bishop of Gibraltar in Europe. The two hour service, where the Archbishop of Canterbury presided at a Eucharist and the Bishop of London in his sermon welcomed Robert to his new ministry, was attended by visiting bishops, clergy and lay people from around the diocese and many visitors who had travelled for miles to the service on Sunday 20 July 2014.

The international nature of the Diocese in Europe was reflected in the mix of languages – the Old testament lesson was read in German by Katharina von Schnurbein, Advisor to the President of the European Commission, the Gospel in Dutch by the Roman Catholic Bishop of Antwerp and the presence of representatives of other churches with whom the diocese is in partnership.

Rev Augustine Nwaekwe, Priest-in-Charge of Ostend in Belgium, served as deacon for the consecration.

Suffragan Bishop David Hamid and the bishop of Oxford stood each side of the new diocesan to present him to the Archbishop and commend him for the office. Bishop Robert then made his vows and commitments before he was ordained by the company of bishops.

After the service the new bishop said "To be consecrated on my own, in the mother church of the Anglican Communion was a massive honour for me and for our diocese. It gave a very powerful sense of our European diocese’s connectedness and belonging with the wider church. For me personally it was an overwhelming experience. I could not have imagined a more wonderful start to my episcopal ministry” More pictures

Historic moment for the Church of England in Italy

Historic moment for the Church of England in Italy

Rome, 17th July 2014

This is a historic moment for the Church of England in Italy, and the Diocese in Europe.


The President of the Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, signed the Presidential Decree (Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica) which gives legal status and approves the statutes of the association Chiesa d’Inghilterra headquartered in Rome.

The Italian Cabinet proposes and approves the legal status of the "Chiesa d’Inghilterra"

The Italian Cabinet proposes and approves the legal status of the "Chiesa d’Inghilterra"

Rome, 10th July 2014

Proposed by the Minister of the Interior (Home Office), Angelino Alfano, the Italian Cabinet headed by the Prime Minister, Hon. Matteo Renzi, approves the adoption of a measure, to be issued by a Presidential Decree by the President of the Italian Republic granting legal status to the association Chiesa d’Inghilterra, headquartered in Rome. The association aims to spread the Christian faith in accordance with the Anglican Communion.


The legal status was granted after careful and detailed investigation of the Ministero dell’Interno (Italian Home Office), the Direzione Centrale degli Affari dei Culti (Central Department for Religious Affairs), the Consiglio di Stato (legal advisory body to the Italian government on administrative matters and their legal implications), and in accordance with Article 2 of the Law n.1158 dated 24th June 1929.

Pope Francis receives the visit of the Archbishop of Canterbury

Pope Francis receives the visit of the Archbishop of Canterbury

Vatican City, 16th June 2014

The Holy Father Pope Francis received in audience His Grace Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury. Following a private meeting Pope Francis and Archbishop Justin Welby gave their speeches, which were then accompanied by the exchange of gifts. Finally, Pope Francis and the Archbishop of Canterbury prayed together in Urban VIII’s Chapel.


Pope Francis recalled to His Grace the "3Ps": Prayer, Peace and Poverty.

The Archbishop of Canterbury celebrates Eucharist at All Saints' Church Rome

The Archbishop of Canterbury celebrates Eucharist at All Saints' Church Rome

Rome, 15th June 2014

All Saints' Church in Rome welcomed the Archbishop of Canterbury to preside the Eucharist on Sunday the 15th of June. The Archbishop was in Rome this weekend for an official meeting with Pope Francis.


Among those who participated at the service were Archbishop Sir David Moxon (Director of the Anglican Centre in Rome), H.M. Ambassador Nigel Baker OBE MVO (British Ambassador to the Holy See), Canon Alyson Barnett Cowan (Director of Ecumenical Affairs for the Anglican Communion), and The Venerable Jonathan Boardman (Chaplain of All Saints', Archdeacon to Italy and Malta and Chairman of the association Chiesa d’Inghilterra). This is Archbishop Welby’s first visit to All Saints' Church in Rome.


H.R.H. Prince Harry attends the memorial service at Monte Cassino

H.R.H. Prince Harry attends the memorial service at Monte Cassino

Monte Cassino (Frosinone), 19th May 2014

Prince Harry arrived at the Commonwealth’s cemetery at Monte Cassino for the British commemoration ceremony. Upon his arrival, Prince Harry greeted the mayor of Cassino and signed the book of honour. Among war veterans, and civil authorities, hundreds witnessed the arrival of the Prince.


The ceremony was accompanied by the notes of the Band of the Royal Logistic Corps, and the service was celebrated by Reverend Jonathan Woodhouse, Chaplain General British Army, and The Venerable Jonathan Boardman, Archdeacon to Italy and Malta (and Chairman of Chiesa d’Inghilterra). Other guests included H.M. Ambassador to Italy and the Ambassador of the United States of America to Italy, respectively, Christopher Prentice and John Phillips. Also present was Lord Astor, Under Secretary of State and Lords Spokesman on Defence.

H.M. Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom, meets Pope Francis

H.M. Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom, meets Pope Francis

Vatican City, 3rd April 2014

After a private lunch with the President of the Italian Republic Mr Giorgio Napolitano, Her Majesty Elizabeth II went to the Vatican City to meet Pope Francis. The private meeting was followed by the exchange of gifts and the introduction of the accompanying members including H.M. Ambassador to the Holy See Mr Nigel Baker OBE MVO.


Moreover, Pope Francis gave a gift for The Queen’s great-grandson, Prince George of Cambridge, which was an art object, consisting of a sphere of lapis lazuli topped by a silver “cross of St. Edward”.The Queen’s visit at the Vatican is also very special too: as the sovereign of the United Kingdom, H.M. Elizabeth II is “Defender of the Faith and Supreme Governor of the Church of England”, therefore, the meeting with Pope Francis was likewise a meeting between two religious authorities.

H.M. Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom, visits President Giorgio Napolitano

H.M. Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom, visits President Giorgio Napolitano

Rome, 3rd April 2014

From Rome Ciampino airport, Queen Elizabeth II went directly to the Quirinal Palace in the centre of Rome for a private lunch with the President of the Italian Republic Giorgio Napolitano and his wife Clio.


H.M. Elizabeth II was welcomed with military honours and the national anthems of Great Britain and Italy. The Union Jack was hoisted on the turret of the Quirinal Palace. 

H.M. Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom, arrives in Rome

H.M. Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom, arrives in Rome

Ciampino Airport (Rome), 3rd April 2014

H.M. Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh landed at Rome Ciampino airport and were welcomed by Mr Christopher Prentice CMG, H.M. Ambassador to the Italian Republic and the Republic of San Marino. The Queen was then accompanied by the Ambassador to the  Quirinal Palace. 

The Board of Directors of the association Chiesa d’Ignhilterra held it’s inaugural meeting

The Board of Directors of the association Chiesa d’Ignhilterra held it’s inaugural meeting

Rome, 11th April 2014

The Church of England, while established by law in England, has a very different legal status in the countries of continental Europe. In each nation the Diocese in Europe and her congregations conform to the domestic law of that country and adopt whatever measures are necessary to operate juridically and legally as a Church or religious / charitable organisation.


In Italy, under the leadership of the Archdeacon of Italy and Malta, The Venerable Jonathan Boardman, and Mr Paolo C Coniglio, preparatory work is under way to gain legal recognition of the Church of England, which will give an official status to the over 20 congregations and Anglican communities. The Board of Directors is pictured at the association’s inaugural meeting. From left to right: Mr Nigel Baker OBE MVO, H.M. British Ambassador to the Holy See; Rev. Canon David Richardson, Director of the Anglican Centre in Rome and Representative of the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Holy See; Cav. Giampaolo Gratian; Dr. Giuseppe La Rosa, Chairman of the Board of Auditors; Dr. Paolo C Coniglio, newly elected Secretary; Dr. William F. Richards, newly elected Treasurer; Archdeacon Jonathan Boardman, Chairman; Mrs  Sandra Seagram-Annovazzi, newly elected Vice-Chairman, and; Mr  Christopher Prentice CMG, H.M. British Ambassador to the Italian Republic and the Republic of San Marino.

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